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2、A cup of tea dispels the loneliness of a long night, a lamp lights a brilliant world, a greeting is delivered, deep friendship is warm and heartfelt, I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

3、Chinese Valentine's Day is coming, I wish us happiness forever, husband, happy Chinese Valentine's day.

4、Today is July 7. On July 7, the hall of longevity. In the middle of the night, when there is no one to talk to, I wish to be a parakeet in the sky and a Lianzhi in the earth.

5、Dear husband, you are the concern of my life, my heart is always open for you, no matter the end of the world, you are my missing! Happy Valentine's day.

6、The left hand engraves me, the right hand writes you, in the heart is full of love, when our palms are opposite, the heart and soul are close, all people will see that I love you. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!



9、Friends, happy Chinese Valentine's Day! Did you see it? Qixi bridge is the bridge of our hearts! May our friendship last forever!


11、Happy Valentine's Day! You are always in my heart the most temperament, the most special and the most attractive! No matter in the future, you are still my favorite person!






17、Only when you are drunk can you know how strong the wine is. Only when you are in love can you know how heavy it is. Return to the world to live once, just to meet you. Your smile, your tears, you will always be my Tanabata baby!

18、Tanabata has passed ahead of time. Thank you for coming back to accompany me. You don't need special gifts, because you are the best gift for me!



21、I would like to turn into a meteor in the sky, cut through the long night sky, and gently fall into your heart. Quietly left behind the heart, leaving you good memories. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

22、I hope I can talk with you in love, I hope I can hide in your arms, I hope I can get your caress and love. I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!


24、Thank you for the present of Chinese Valentine's day. I will treat you well. I will not play casually or get angry casually. I promise not to blackmail you, not to cold war, not to be willful. I will listen to you.


26、Tanabata has arrived. I hope we can love each other forever, and I hope every Tanabata can be with you!


28、As long as the heart is beating, there will be blood tides, and your smile will be printed on the red moon, rising in front of my little window every night. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!





33、Tanabata is not beautiful. What's beautiful is the feeling of spending Tanabata with you. I love you! Happy holidays!

34、On the seventh day of July, when there was no one to whisper in the hall of longevity. In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and on earth two trees with branches interlocked forever.

35、Happy Chinese Valentine's day, my husband! Thank you for your company no matter what! I want to hug!

36、Love is a kind of feeling, pain and happiness; love is a kind of physical strength, heartbreak and sweetness; love is an experience, broken and beautiful. Happy Chinese Valentine's day!

37、I can't say I can't miss you enough, I can't say I can't love you enough, I can only hope magpie bridge can meet you, I love you forever!

38、Only when you are drunk can you know how strong the wine is. Only when you are in love can you know how heavy it is. Return to the world to live once, just to meet you. Your smile, your tears, are my most unforgettable.

39、Dear, happy Chinese Valentine's day. In the past years, I prayed to God for my happiness. Now you are by my side. I know, happiness, I've got it. I love you!


41、God created you, and he will create a person who loves you. If you are created by God, then I am the one who loves you. Wish my husband happy every day!

42、In summer you help me fan, in winter you help me warm my bed, that person will always be you, my husband, Happy Valentine's Day!




46、Although I don't know when you can come to me, but I still believe in love, only believe will exist, are you right? Happy Chinese Valentine's day!

47、It's a pity that it's hard for the family to become a family member in the past. Cowherd and weaver girl will be at this time, but I only drink empty sigh.


49、For those who have feelings, every day is a festival. A cold warm, a line of noise; a exhortation, a paper handed down; a Acacia, hope for one heart; a love, love for life.


51、Happy Chinese Valentine's day with gifts! Thank you for your husband's surprise gift. Thank you for your hard work.

52、When the moon is short, I miss you. When the moon is full, I miss you. No matter the moon is full and the moon is short, my heart is like the eternal moonlight, following you silently! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

53、On the night of the Chinese Valentine's day, love will never die; true love can't be conveyed without it; Happy Chinese Valentine's day, husband!


55、You are the water, I am the sand, I and you mix into mud! You are the hook, I am the fork, together is to the small enemy! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!


57、Everlasting longing for each other, the Qixi Festival husband, the Qixi Festival, suffer great agonies of the mind, the dream is hard to remember, the love is hard to remember, and the sorrow is full of people.

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