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2、Never give up, and good luck will find you.不要放弃,好运总会垂青你的。





7、Spring is green, and autumn is the world of gold、May you use the green of youth to brew the golden autumn in the future、come on.


9、Even an immature attempt is better than a strategy of fetal death.

10、Those who dont study hard can only live their lives without doing anything.




14、Three years of hard work day and night, today leisurely into the examination room、I read the results through the cold window, but I still have a spirit、Think like a spring of smooth answers, the examination room on the edge.

15、Life doesnt get easier, you just get stronger、——生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变强。


1、Put down the burden and use your brain、Be diligent in thinking and reviewing、I wish you good results in the college entrance examination!

2、First of all, we should have the spirit of diligence; secondly, we should have scientific methods; finally, a good mentality is also very important、I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

3、As long as you can harvest sweetness, there will be bees busy in the thorns.

4、Ten years of hard work, one day, the college entrance examination, the eyes polished, focused on the goal; the heart relaxed, calmly facing; the hands stable, display、This years college entrance examination, you will succeed!

5、Patience and self-confidence come from your strong ideological and intellectual foundation.

6、Erin, its no big deal、You still have the chance to ask for parallel volunteer、The universities in other provinces are also very good, just stay away from home、It doesnt matter、Believe in yourself!


8、Ten years of cold, a hundred days of wind and rain, travel all over the mountains, the end of the sea, thousands of grinding and refining, pestle into a needle, waves washing, sand to see the gold、I wish you the best in the college entrance examination.

9、Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.对自己承诺:我要强大到任何事情都无法破坏我内心的平和。



12、Calm, thoughtful, serious, careful answer.

13、No inferiority, dont be conceited, insist on self-confidence! What awesome wishes for all college entrance examination students: whether you are a dark horse, a white horse or a red horse, may you unexpected winner!


15、Best wishes to all students: Golden List Title! Believe in yourself, you are the best!


1、Who is brave in the roadway of Xiongguan?



4、College Entrance Examination is the guarantee for economic development.



7、I wish you the best of luck in this years college entrance examination、You will be ranked on the list and admitted to the ideal university in your heart.

8、There are three keys to the success of college entrance examination、First, the spirit of diligence; second, scientific methods; third, a good mentality.


10、Let go of the tension in the past study, face it easily with a common heart, I believe you will get your ideal score、May good luck always be with you!

11、They always say that time changes things,but you actually have to change them yourself、人们总说时间会改变一切,但实际上你自己必须去改变一切。



14、Dont lose confidence, just persevere.

15、People who are better than you are working hard、Why dont you study?



2、We talk about the same family for three years, long and short、In this unusual three years, we have had a combination of ups and downs、I wish you good grades.

3、During the college entrance examination, I hope you do your best to tell my blessing in the distance, and believe that your efforts and sweat, success and good luck accompany your life!


5、If you want to succeed, you should take perseverance as your good friend, experience as your reference, attention as your brother and hope as your sentry.

6、No skin, no flesh, no blood, no sweat, no tears.




10、In the college entrance examination, I would like to express my blessing as far as possible, believe in my dream and sweat, success and good luck!




14、College entrance examination is a comprehensive examination comparing knowledge, ability, psychology, confidence and physical strength.



1、The soldiers who dont want to be generals are not good soldiers, and the students who dont want to be tested in Tsinghua are not good students.

2、Wish all the college entrance examination students: the golden list title! Believe in yourself, you are the best!

3、I sincerely wish you the best of luck in this years college entrance examination, and you will be admitted to the ideal university.




7、A man should have one dream at least, and one reason to hold on to it、If theres no place for his heart to rest, wherever he goes, he is just a vagrant、一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。





12、College entrance examination is just around the corner、I hope you can overcome all kinds of psychological pressure, pay attention to nutrition, and keep a good mental state、I believe you can play supernormal and succeed!

13、I don’t always need advice、Sometimes all I need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand、我并不总是需要建议,有时候,我只是需要有人执手支持,有人侧耳倾听,有人读懂心声。





2、The secret of never fading waves: always pursuing an uneasy life.

3、Silver is at the top of the list, and gold is changing with each passing day、On weekdays, strict, calm college entrance examination.

4、Silver is at the top of the list, and gold is changing with each passing day.


6、The wind blows quietly, and the Phoenix flower reveals its bright red color、Dear friends, please shake hands and run to the West and East tomorrow! But dont forget each others agreement: the success of college entrance examination!

7、Treat your hobbies well、Dont let them make way for study、Let them serve study、I wish you good results in the college entrance examination!

8、Golden List Title Day, to celebrate the wine.


10、Create a brilliant new year together with us in the spring and autumn.




14、College entrance examination, sincerely wish you the least problems encountered, try your best, the best to relax, the best luck encountered, the best results!

15、No matter how much pressure you have, this year you can only move forward, no matter how much frustration you have, this time you can only fight for blog.



2、There are always so many references in life.

3、A moment of frustration can often be transformed into learning and insight through indomitable fighting.

4、Light utilitarian, light forward; do not pay, perseverance; do not achieve the goal, will not stop、Wish the college entrance examination smooth!


6、Friends, be kind to your hobbies、Dont let them make way for study、Let them serve study、Successful college entrance examination!

7、Never let one bad day make you feel like you have a bad life、——也许你度过了很糟糕的一天,但这并不代表你会因此度过糟糕的一生。



10、College entrance examination students, to believe in themselves, in my mind you are always the best, life can have a few back, this fight!

11、The day of college entrance examination is approaching、I hope you can adjust your mind, give full play to it and get into the ideal university! Im blessing you、Must succeed!


13、The exam is imminent、I hope you can achieve the desired results with a good attitude.

14、If you are not afraid of pepsis disadvantage, you are afraid of frustration.



1、高考不是人生的终点,只是人生的转折点。无论结果如何,过程都是最好的。如果你努力工作并且坚持,即使你摔倒了,你只需要多走一条路,多转一圈。不管你失败了, 十年寒窗,一朝高考,把眼擦亮,紧盯目标;把心放宽,从容面临;把手摆稳,施展。今年高考,你必成功!

2、The one who moves forward is the one who doesnt look back、不回头看的人才能往前走。

3、Its good to ask middle and low-grade questions first、Come on!

4、In order to achieve their goals, we must be able to stand alone.



7、Ten years of hard work, no regrets, no complaints, once a success, and then recall all the pain and happiness with all ones heart and soul.

8、Hope, only with diligent companionship, can you add wings like a tiger.

9、A good idea is a dozen dollars、The real priceless thing is the people who can make it happen.


11、After the baptism of sweat, we know more about the joy of harvest、Come on!

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