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太空旅客的经典对白 太空旅客最后一段话


1、 It is interesting what people can say to hide their true nature。

2、 Brand here talks about death and last moments you spend on this world、 He claims you shouldn’t go down easily, taking the option of laying on a comfortable bed and awaiting for the angels to take you away、 No, you should remain in fighting spirit and be more passionate than ever before、 It just means you have little time remaining to leave a lasting impression and a lot of the time, the final moments of a man become what people remember about him the most、 It’s about passion and not giving

3、 The movie was about love being more powerful than anything else and it was the love of Murph and Cooper that brought the world back from extinction、 It was the thought that he must save Murph’s future that drove Cooper to make the sacrifice of leaving her behind、 I think in today’s day and age, people don’t give love enough credit。

4、 Rage, rage against the dying of the light。- Dr、 Brand

5、 It’s about trying to do the difficult thing in life because it is these moments that will define you、 Rather than looking back at the accomplishments of your forefathers, you should look to make great accomplishments of your own。


7、 You’ve got to take things from that point of view but I guess Cooper doesn’t want his daughter to think of it in a negative way and spins it into something more positive and full of hope、 It is a nice quote to go by in life as I too go by a similar thought。

8、 Rage, rage against the dying of the light。- Dr、 Brand

9、 It means that whatever can happen, will happen。- Cooper


11、 Love is the one thing that transcends time and space。- Amelia Brand

12、 Brand here talks about death and last moments you spend on this world、 He claims you shouldn’t go down easily, taking the option of laying on a comfortable bed and awaiting for the angels to take you away、 No, you should remain in fighting spirit and be more passionate than ever before、 It just means you have little time remaining to leave a lasting impression and a lot of the time, the final moments of a man become what people remember about him the most、 It’s about passion and not giving up。

13、 And we count these moments、 These moments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known、 We count these moments as our proudest achievements、 But we lost all that、 Or perhaps we’ve just forgotten that we are still pioneers、 And we’ve barely begun、 And that our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us。- Cooper

14、 It’s about lacking ambition、 People become content with what they have despite not having much and it shows they’re not passionate about life or driven to make the most out of it、 He’s not the type of man who just sits idly by waiting for his life to end、 He wants to make something of it and seek out his purpose。

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