1、An American tourist is equally excited when she spots the sign - this could be just the thing to help her get over the occasional twinge of homesickness.
2、It is the first Starbucks cafe to boldly go where no Starbucks has gone before, onto potentially hostile French territory.
3、But is the company aware of the risk it is taking by challenging the very birthplace of cafe society?
4、Its advertising posters on the Champs Elysee announce Starbucks - a passion pour le cafe.
5、Others here think they could come round to the idea of Starbucks, though for them it would never replace the corner cafe or the typical Parisian petit noir coffee .
6、And he may be right、Despite some sniffiness in the French press, some younger French are expressing their excitement that they will finally be able to visit the kind of cafe they love to watch on the US TV series Friends.
7、A form of alien civilisation has finally landed in Paris - unfamiliar green and black signs have appeared on the Avenue de L'Opera.
8、At the traditional cafes, customers worry that the big US coffee house chains could drive out small, family-owned cafes.
10、But that is the problem for many French, who do not want France to be just like the rest of the world: with standardised disposal cups of coffee - identical in 7,000 branches around the world - even if they are termed handcrafted beverages.
11、We recognise there is a huge history here of cafe society and we have every confidence we can enjoy, augment and join in that passion.
12、In fact, for some, it is an exotic rarity, far more exciting than the average French cafe.
13、Starbucks invades Parisian cafe culture
14、I love the French cafes, but Starbucks is so popular in the States and it's become part of American culture and now it's come to France, and that's OK, she said.
15、I think every time we come into a new market we do it with a great sense of respect, a great deal of interest in how that cafe society has developed over time, Bill O'Shea of Starbucks says.
16、Melissa, aged 18, says she can hardly wait: I love Starbucks caramel coffee - it's very good and I like the concept that they're opening in Paris、I think Starbucks will be OK for French people.
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