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2022英文签名带翻译感情幸福快乐的 2020最新个性签名英文带翻译伤感


1、I look not beautiful but I have to do my own、我长得不美观,可是我一直做真实的自己。

2、I want along with you“我想和你在一起”

3、You ever far is my fixed lattice(你始终就是我的停留、)

4、Love,It would have to be to you[爱,它只属于你]

5、I want to be your bride 、【 我想变成你的新娘子 】

6、Let the time tell the truth、任凭時间说实话

7、We just met not to start(大家仅仅相逢不曾逐渐)

8、Does not belong to me,I will let go不属于我的 我能离去、

9、Let#39;s make thing better、(使我们做得更强)

10、Promises are often like the dust服务承诺像浮尘

11、If through time, through love[倘若看透岁月看透爱]

12、The time that youare my most fatal、岁月自知你是我心中最致命性的爱

13、You were never mine to lose、你几乎就不属于我,算不上哪些丧失

14、You are my most adventure youth dream[你是我心中青春年少最探险的梦]

15、I love the man isn\#39;t my lover、( 我爱的人并不是我爱的人 )

16、I am not greed but I envy、我并没有贪欲 我艳羡天荒地老、

17、When we lose, just know oneself在我们丧失的情况下,才知道自身曾经的我们

18、Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever、到底是谁赐大家遇上 却不一并赠大家始终。

19、Everybody wants to be loved谁都想被疼惜\

20、Put you in my heart[将你放在我心里]

21、You don#39;t laugh tears away、[你别笑了泪水都掉了]

22、I think I will love you for a long time我想我能爱着你好长时间

23、island is the scar of the sea[岛是海的瘢痕]

24、Learn to sorrow blind eye、[学好置之不理针对忧伤]

25、Nobody could ever replace you、谁也取代不上你。

26、Softhearted is sick, but you are life、心软是病,可你是命、

27、Laugh Until You Cry; Cry Until You Laugh笑到总算忍住不哭;哭到总算笑出去。

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