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1、it"s up to you、you can stay at my place though、由你决定吧, 但你可以住我这里.

2、or if you like, a hotel is in walking distance、如果你喜欢的话, 有一间旅馆用走的就可以走的到.

3、let me think a second、让我想一下.

4、A: What do you think of the coming match?A:你觉得这场比赛会怎么样?B:Winning is a piece of cake to me、B:取胜对我来说是小菜一碟。A:You are bragging again、A:你又说大话了。

5、i need a place to stay、我需要一个地方过夜.you can stay my place 你可以来我家过夜

6、you had better hurry、你最好快点.

7、A:You look so pale, Jean, What"s the matter?A:简,你脸色看起来根不好,怎么了?B:I didn"t sleep well yesterday night.B:我昨晚没睡好。A:Something wrong? Can you tell me?A:出什么事了?可以告诉我吗?B:Just because the exam results are going to arrive this morning、I was on tenterhooks all the night thinkingabout them.B:没什么,就是考试成绩今早出来,昨晚一夜我都为此坐立不安。A:Take it easy, OK? I believe you will have a good result, to be coufident!A:放轻松,好吗?我相信你会有一个好成绩的,对自己充满信心!B:Thanks a lot.B:谢谢你。

8、you stood us up again、你又放我们鸽子了.

9、A:Finding an excuse is obviously down your alley、And trying to avoid taking care of the children is what you are good at.你最擅长的就是找借口。不去照顾孩子也是你的专利。B:Listen, Nancy、If I don"t work hard, I will be laid off.听着,Nancy。如果我不去工作的话就会下岗。A:You are passing the buck、I"ll be hanged if I ask you to go to the park with us.你又推卸责任了。我绝不会让你陪我们去公园的。B:Come on, Nancy、Play it cool、I go with you and burn the middle night oil tonight.好了,Nancy。你冷静点。我和你们一起去,今天晚上我熬夜就行了。

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