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1、Thank these selfless "traitors"、 With the development of the epidemic, many people have donated materials and donations to support Wuhan、 Countless people are worried about Wuhan and cheer for it、

2、I heard from my mother that some of them had already gone to Wuhan for help、 These heroes rushed to the battlefield, day and night, fighting with the persistent killer of peoples health, coronavirus pneumonia, in a big fight of life and death、 How can we not be moved、

3、hello everyone!

4、This year will be spent in a cold and quiet way、 Visiting relatives and going out to play will all become a bubble、 At the end of the day, bats are the masters of all evils、 The novel coronavirus epidemic be taken by surprise、 Wuhan compatriots were deeply afflicted by illness、

5、Come on, Wuhan! With the help of medical workers, you will be able to overcome the disease and regain your health、

6、When the battle trumpet sounded, they gave up their vacation and went all out to do well in the treatment of patients、 Regardless of their own life safety, they resolutely chose to go to the battlefield、 Did they have any concerns? Yes, they have families, loving parents and lovely children, but they have given up their small family for everyone、 What a noble spirit it is! When there was a shortage of medical staff in Wuhan, they signed up to go straight to the front line、


8、This years Spring Festival is not as busy as it used to be, and the streets are a lot colder、 Novel coronavirus pneumonia was reported in Wuhan in January this year, and the news made the whole nation panic、 The virus spread rapidly and spread all over China、

9、Rabies has always been my biggest fear、 After listening to the explanations of disease control experts for many times, I realized that plague, cholera and other more terrible places、 SARS makes me feel that air transmission is more serious、 This time, it may be fierce、 Take a look、

10、From door to door, novel coronavirus is being passed from door to door、 I saw my uncles and aunts were all wet and tired、 I quickly brought them dry towels and hot water、 They waved and said, "no, thank you, children、 We brought them by ourselves、 "Then, after patiently explaining the preventive measures to us, they went to the next house、

11、Third, I sincerely thank my family for their support、 Here, I would like to thank my family for their support、 When I told my family to sign up for the medical team, my wife and parents were worried about it, but they also unconditionally supported my decision, reassured me that they would take good care of their children、 The family members of our medical team are all like this and support our work unconditionally、 I think the support of family members is our dependence、 We are very grateful for the support of our family、 Here, please rest assured that we will take good care of ourselves and wait for our triumphant return。

12、In this way, deceptive diseases that don't seem to die quickly are really a huge threat、 Everyone and even experts should wake up quickly and wait for them、 Everyone must do their best to survive、 Come on, China! Come on all over the world!

13、Prevention and control of the epidemic is about you, me and him、 At the end of the extended holiday, many of you have to return to work, but the awareness and measures of prevention and control cannot be less、 In front of the epidemic, everyone is not an island or an outsider、 We are all participants and beneficiaries of the battle、 Starting from me, starting from now, starting from a little bit, we can contribute to epidemic prevention and control、

14、One pass was ten, ten were passed、 The spring festival became a cold and dangerous holiday、 Im bored at home, counting the time、 The cause of the epidemic is driving me crazy、 Parents at home either eat, or clean up, back and forth, very boring、 Every day at home, pay attention to the epidemic situation, everyone has a wish in mind: control the epidemic situation, and be safe、

15、During the Spring Festival of the family reunion, when they were in need, they did not retreat, did not hesitate, and quietly devoted themselves to work、 Once upon a time, I said to myself: in life, there are such a group of people who are always with each of our residents、 They are community workers、 We strictly follow the leaflet, which is the greatest support for them、

16、Winter vacation means new year's Eve、

17、Students, do you want to make yourself healthy? Are you afraid of disease? There is no doubt that everyone wants to keep his body healthy、

18、But who knows that a kind of "coronavirus" has come、 No one is allowed to go out for the Spring Festival, nor are doctors or nurses allowed to spend the Spring Festival at home、 They wear white coats every day and guard the patients like angels、 It's really great and touching to see a lot of doctors on TV who care for everyone at home、 Their children and old people can't care about them when they are sick and go to the front line to see patients、 Some doctors wear masks and protective clothing, while the reporters' uncles and aunts say it will take at least half a day to take off the clothes、 When they take off, there is a rash on their hands and body、 I think they are really too hard! But I believe that as long as there is unity, we can defeat the virus、

19、Then, on the collective side, we need to ventilate and disinfect the classroom in the school、 Opening windows for ventilation can promote air circulation and avoid air pollution、 Disinfection can effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria and reduce the chance of external infection、 After that, it is to standardize the use of disinfectant、 If not, the disinfectant will hurt our body and cause many other diseases、 Therefore, it is also important to standardize the use of disinfectant、 In addition, if there are students suffering from infectious diseases, they should recover at home and do not take classes with diseases、 If it is only a slight infectious disease, also need to wear masks to avoid cross infection、

20、Dear teachers and students

21、They turn their heads in front of the new coronavirus and put their personal safety aside、 They are the greatest people, and I want to pay tribute to them、

22、First of all, on the self side, we should develop good behavior habits, improve our ability of disease prevention, wash our hands before meals、 As the saying goes, diseases come from the mouth、 We should keep our hands clean at all times to prevent bacteria from entering the mouth、 We should also strengthen physical exercise, strengthen our body and improve our immunity、 Finally, we should drink water frequently、 Although drinking water is a traditional method, it can clean up the waste in our bodies and prevent the infection of diseases、

23、The serious epidemic situation in Wuhan affects the hearts of the people of the whole country、 This winter vacation is doomed to be unstable、 The traffic that used to run on the road seems to disappear now、 The park and square that used to be hot and noisy become cold and clear、 They could have a party with relatives and friends to celebrate the Spring Festival, but now they can only stay at home and "look at the door and sigh"

24、The bell of the new year has been ringing、 The spring is not far away、 I believe that with the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, we will surely win this "battle"、

25、In this battlefield, there is another 80 year old grandfather, Professor Zhong Nanshan, who deserves our admiration、 Novel coronavirus is still in the forefront of the war, and it is admirable to fight with the new coronavirus、

26、The new semester has begun, and now it is in the period of winter and spring seasons, with great changes in temperature difference, which is a period of high incidence of infectious diseases、 There are many kinds of infectious diseases, such as influenza, diarrhea, measles, epidemic costitis, scarlet fever, varicella, and cerebrospinal meningitis、 They can be spread through saliva、 The chance of cross infection of school personnel increases, which is very easy to occur infectious diseases, and the spread speed is fast, affecting a wide range of people、 But as long as we do a good job in prevention, early detection, early isolation, early diagnosis and early treatment, we won't have a chance for the virus、 I put forward some suggestions to prevent the disease、

27、This year is a special spring festival、 In the face of the dangerous epidemic, what Wuhan, Hubei Province needs most is the support of the whole nation, especially the medical force and materials、 At this juncture, as medical workers, we have the responsibility to stand together with the people of Wuhan to overcome the difficulties、

28、hello everyone!


1、Take responsibility in times of crisis、 After the outbreak of the epidemic, the municipal Party committee and the municipal government acted in a timely manner、 The main leaders studied and deployed for many times and went deep into the front-line guidance work、 The leading group and all relevant departments performed their duties、 The role of the grass-roots party organizations as fighting fortresses and the vanguard and exemplary role of the Communist Party members were fully played、 The streets, communities and villages fully implemented the requirements, worked together to "prevent, control and treat" the epidemic, and made every effort to organize The prevention and control network has been closely organized, forming a strong joint force of four levels of joint prevention and control in cities, counties and villages、

2、Long incubation period, asymptomatic, highly infectious, can be transmitted through multiple channels, such as droplets or even air, with mild onset and slow course, but high mortality、 Finally, all kinds of social resources are consumed to the maximum extent、

3、Although experiencing SARS, I feel that this time is the most terrible、

4、Second, we must resolutely safeguard our own security、 While putting people's life safety and physical health first, we will do a good job in self-protection, prevent cross infection, and ensure that all members of our medical team go back with responsibility and safety、

5、Prevention of disease should start from small things, from little things、 I hope my suggestions can help you、

6、Come on, angels in white! I want to study hard, master knowledge and use it to save people when I grow up、

7、Since the outbreak of the epidemic, doctors from Wuhan and other supporting medical teams from all over the country have rushed to the front line to fight against the virus and save lives、

8、In extraordinary times, we should pay more attention to family and personal hygiene, wear masks, wash hands frequently and ventilate frequently, which is not only to cope with the epidemic situation, but also to develop and promote good habits、 If there is a suspected situation, it should be reported in time as required, early detection, diagnosis, treatment and isolation、 In the extraordinary period, in order to maintain "extraordinary distance", in addition to work, we should try to avoid crowded places、 Nowadays, with developed information, many things can be solved through the network and telephone, and we should always pay attention to the latest developments, express our concern and become conscious actions、 Of course, we should maintain confidence and determination, respond to the situation in a scientific and rational way, and do not spread rumors、 Do a good job in their own work, do a good job in protection, especially the front-line staff such as medical staff to protect themselves, students do not fall behind learning、 Spring has come、 May the patient recover soon and everyone be safe、

9、In this battle, the most beautiful people are those angels in white、

10、The scope of the epidemic continues to expand, and angels in white are working on the first line、 We need to unite as one, not to make trouble for the motherland, and do a good job in protection、 I hope Wuhan can get rid of the bitter sea and restore its original stable life!

11、Starting from me, I have been unremitting in our efforts to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control、

12、The festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival was diluted by an epidemic、 I am very excited to represent the members of the medical team of aiding Hubei to celebrate the new year and wish you good health and the year of the rat、

13、Leaders and colleagues:

14、At such a time, we should pay our highest respect to the "fighters" and "rebels" who are fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention and control、 Turn respect into action and do your own thing、 To protect ourselves is to protect others、 To be good at ourselves is to lighten others' burden、 Let's overcome all the difficulties、

15、The Spring Festival of the year of gengzi mouse has a special time、 Since novel coronavirus pneumonia spread, Jinzhong's various departments and cadres and masses have entered the "wartime" state rapidly、 From city to village, from street to end of the road, the whole city is fighting against it, contributing to the fight against epidemic prevention and control、

16、Medical staff sleep on the floor and protect their patients, and they are confident of their diagnosis、 Medical staff work round the clock, eat simple meals in the face of shortage of resources, and sleep on the floor when they are sleepy、 They do not want to go to the toilet without taking off protective clothing, and they are thirsty and do not drink water、 Seeing this scene, my eyes moistened with emotion、 At ordinary times, novel coronavirus is not my concern, I dont know why I call them angels in white、 Today, I understand that they are the patron saint of life、

17、At that time, the angels in white chose to fight against the virus、 Regardless of their own safety, they did not give in to the epidemic situation and actively participated in the rescue work of the race with the God of death、 They bring us confidence and courage、 They are "the most beautiful traitors"、

18、The arch criminal of novel coronavirus is the main culprit、 The incubation period of the virus is up to 14 days, and it is mainly spread by droplets and contact, so it is very likely to be infected、 In front of the major epidemic, the first to stand up is our angel in white、 In this war without gunsmoke, they built a bank of life protection for the patients, so that we can see a ray of sunshine in the cold winter, sprinkled on everyone, bringing us infinite warmth and hope、 Angels in white are dedicated and fearless, shuttling between life and death, saving others' lives with their own lives、

19、The provincial Party committee and the provincial government fully implemented the decision making plan of the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core、 After organizing the dispatch of medical backbone to form a medical team to rush to Hubei, the majority of medical workers in the whole province responded positively to the call and actively applied for registration, which fully reflected the highly conscious overall situation and the spirit of dedication without complaining、 It's a great honor to be a member of the medical team、 Here, on behalf of all members of the medical team, I would like to make the following statement: first, resolutely complete the mission、 At present, what the people of Hubei need most is medical strength and medical supplies、 As medical workers, we firmly support Hubei's fight against the epidemic as a major political responsibility and special mission、 We should conscientiously integrate our thoughts and actions into the important speech of general secretary Xi Jinping at the Standing Committee meeting of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the provincial Party committee、 We will spare no effort to fight against the epidemic and treat the patients, give full play to my professional knowledge, and use our heart and energy to successfully complete the task of epidemic prevention and control、

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