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1、honesty is a symbol of strength, it shows the height of a person inner self and a sense of security and dignity、

2、the loss of integrity, is equivalent to the enemy to destroy themselves、

3、honest and trustworthy is the fundamental philosophy of life, is the world's most beautiful flowers、

4、good faith, is a person based society pilot、

5、the good faith, the popular respect、

6、honesty is a virtue, will make you more perfect、

7、Honesty is the best policy、

8、honest and trustworthy, happy life、

9、Promise is debt

10、honest is the integrity of the Jin be inexhaustible knowledge, money、

11、integrity is the way of life of the first criteria、


13、integrity is the essential condition of friendship、

14、integrity is the salt of life、

15、Good advice is beyond price、

16、honest and trustworthy person must own, his last patron is sincere、

17、One’’s sin will find one out、

18、honesty is the best policy、

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