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1、我用浮生暖一壶你爱的香茗,只待伊来。I use floating to warm a pot of your favorite tea, just for Yilai.

2、我说,你是我心中的太阳。I said, you are the sun in my heart.

3、何时江南在凝愁,徘徊在宁夏。When Jiangnan is worried and lingering.

4、你说你娶我爱我宠我疼我依着我不离开我。You say you marry me, love me, spoil me, love me, depend on me and don't leave me.

5、我的灵魂一直都只定格在你的身上。My soul has always been fixed on you.

6、我的男人没让他滚时,谁都别碰!Don't touch anyone when my man doesn't let him go!

7、我是你的曾经,带着你的帅气。I am your past, with your handsome.

8、每个成功男人的背后,必定有一个不要求回报的女人。Behind every successful man, there must be a woman who does not ask for reward.

9、我的心脏一直都只停留在你的心上。My heart has always stayed in your heart.

10、时间的轨道里我们只是一班孤寂的地铁。In the track of time, we are just a lonely train.

11、我要稳稳的幸福,能抵挡末日的残酷。I want steady happiness, can withstand the cruelty of the end.

12、我不是会温柔的人,却为你做尽温柔事。I am not a gentle person, but I do all the gentle things for you.

13、爱情不能天长地久,只能朝生暮死。Love can not last forever.

14、你嘴角的微笑是我最爱的模样。Your smile on the corner of your mouth is my favorite look.

15、也许,对我而言,你给我的经历,仅仅是一个回忆。Maybe, for me, the experience you gave me is just a memory.

16、不求荣华富贵,但求与你温馨到老。Do not seek glory and wealth, but to warm with you to the old.

17、爱是无辜的风筝,拉着最在乎的人。Love is an innocent kite, pulling the most cared about people.

18、我爱薄荷淡宁清新苦涩心。I love the fresh bitterness of mint.

19、你可不可以牵着我的手,就当是我的请求。Can you hold my hand as if it were my request?

20、幸我有生之年识你豆蔻年华。I am lucky to know you in my lifetime.

21、最开心的笑是和你一起。The happiest laugh is to be with you.

22、醉笑陪君执剑,一签,斩断纷繁琐。Drunk laughter accompanies the king to hold swords, a sign, cut off the complexity.

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