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1、Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend.打倒一条肯定可以找到一个女朋友

2、Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that.好像我们维京勇士的壮举还不如一个名字

3、It taught me what a Viking could do,Gobber.这让我体会到一个维京人的潜力Gobber

4、The only problems are the pests.唯一的问题是害虫

5、It's 12 days North of hopeless and a few degrees South of freezing to death.有像北极那样12天绝望的严寒也有南极酷冷的垂死之感

6、It's not so much what you look like.It's what's inside that he can't stand.他在乎的不是你的外表他看重的是你的灵魂

7、They wouldn't know what to do with all...this.它们不知道怎么吃所有的...这些

8、Do I believe it?Yes,I do.我相信吗?当然信

9、It's been here for seven generations but every single building is new.现在这里是第七代人了但是房子都还很新

10、You got a headache.-That rock split in two.你犯头疼病了-石头裂成了两半

11、I thought it was crazy,but I didn't question him.我觉得这很疯狂但是我没问他为什么

12、See?Old village.Lots and lots of new houses.看见了吗?老村落却有很多很多新房子

13、And you know what happened?你猜怎么着了?

14、My name is Hiccup.我叫Hiccup

15、We have fishing,hunting,and a charming view of the sunsets.我们打渔打猎还可以欣赏迷人的夕阳

16、They say that when he was a baby he popped a Dragon's head clean off its shoulders.他们说他还是婴儿的时候他就能把龙头从它的脖子上扭下来

17、Great name,I know.But it's not the worst.我知道不是什么伟大的名字但是也不是最糟的

18、That's Stoick the Vast,Chief of the tribe.这是大块头Stoick部落的首领

19、We're Vikings.我们是维京人

20、Who?Me?Nah,come on...I'm way too muscular for their taste.谁?我?得了吧...我肌肉太多它们不喜欢


1、Well,they need toothpicks,don't they?好吧它们需要牙签是吧?

2、Even as a boy I knew what I was,what I had to become...在我还是个孩子的时候我就知道我会变成什么...

3、It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery.岛就坐落在"悲剧子午线"上

4、We stubbornness issues.我们拥有顽强

5、He could crush mountains,level forests,tame seas!他能撞碎山脉,夷平森林,征服大海

6、This thing never steals food,never shows itself,and never misses.它从不偷东西从不现身然而从未失手

7、The meathead with the attitude and interchangeable hands,is Gobber.那个脾气暴躁还装着义肢的傻瓜叫Gobber

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