1、 我回望那落日中温婉波动的群山,
4、 Chorus:Now im sad to sayIm on my way I wont be back for many a dayMy heart is downMy head is turning aroundI had to leave a little girl in kingston town
6、 而我将要要赶向那波浪纹的更加深入更蓝处。
7、 Down at the market you can hearLadies cry out while on their heads they bearAckev rice, salt fish are niceOh the rum is fine anytime of year
8、 你亦有自身的日常生活。
9、 大家能微笑着相遇,
11、 是一个令人比悲伤更悲伤,细听平静如细浪微风的旋律,却只有触碰到一种浅浅的悲伤。即使确实要离去,也不一定非得抱头痛哭,也不一定非得哭叫着撕破岁月的印花布随后扬在风里,并不是么?
12、 由于一个沒有将来的漂泊异乡,
13、 替自身在荒野引魂。
14、 《Jamaica Farewell》Down the way where the nights are gayAnd the sun shines daily on the mountaintopI took a trip on a sailing shipBut when i reached jamaica i made her stopChorus:Now im sad to sayIm on my way I wont be back for many a dayMy heart is downMy head is turning aroundI had to leave a little girl in kingston town
15、 请使用海面寄给我一个微笑吧,
16、 随后我能回望,
18、 Farewell jamaica!
1、 随后,微笑,
2、 人生道路原本短暂性,
3、 在金斯顿港的岸上,
4、 on my way harry、holy cow、i dont know!
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6、 遗忘一切的不愉快吧,
7、 Chorus:Now im sad to sayIm on my way I wont be back for many a dayMy heart is downMy head is turning aroundI had to leave a little girl in kingston townI had to leave a little girl in kingston townI had to leave a little girl in kingston town
8、 或许是天定此劫
10、 Chorus:Still im sad to sayIm on my way I wont be back for many a dayMy heart is downMy head is turning aroundI had to leave a little girl in kingston town
12、 回望那落日中温婉波动的群山,
13、 亲爱的姑娘,
14、 微笑着永不回头。
15、 怎样能服务承诺另一个人的将来?
16、 返回这一不属于我的海岛。
17、 Farewell my love!
18、 何苦再让昨日的烦恼烦扰将来?
19、 Sounds of laughter everywhereAnd the dancing girls sway to and froI must declare my heart is thereThough i have been from maine to mexico
1、 让我还在这一生疏的外地遇见了你。
2、 yeah, robert g.
3、 Down the way where the nights are gayAnd the sun shines daily on the mountaintopI took a trip on a sailing shipBut when i reached jamaica i made her stop
4、 请记牢全部归属于我们两的快乐,
5、 由于我明白再沒有机遇
6、 然后回身离开。
7、 回望全部已化灰尘的岁月,
8、 要我的小帆船停靠牙买加,
10、 应当也可以微笑着说一声再见,
11、 放肆的让眼泪清洗自身的眼睛,
12、 人生就是持续的相逢,
13、 我只是个匆匆忙忙的匆匆过客,
14、 眼泪流下来了我的双颊,
15、 终究相遇就无须逃避。
17、 让我坚信我就有工作能力给他人产生开心。
18、 我只是一株沒有根的走动的草,
19、 原谅我那样的悄然而去,
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